Monday, March 15, 2010

Europe Ski Tour 2010 - Freeriding Disentis Switzerland

Holy Cow! we have been without inter-webs for a few weeks and I gots some catching up to do! So we went and stayed 2 nights in Disentis after make a day trip there the week before. The hostel we stayed in was super rad, it was ran by two Swedes about our age. We were able to ski a couple of cool lines that were literally a 10-15min skin from a T bar. Yeah sick side country ridge (see panorama picture). Its crazy, most places here they groom one way down from the top of the lift to the bottom and 98% of all the people stay on the "Piste" they wont even dip 10ft off the side to ski in untracked snow! So all the off Piste skiing here that is near a resort is actully, in US standards, within the resort! and no one skis it! Well check out these round of pic's from Desintis 3000 some fun 2000 meter descents were had as well from the alpine all the way down to the valley floor, super sick and definitely a leg burner

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