Monday, April 12, 2010

Ski Tour Europe 2010 - Chappelsiberg, Switzerland

Chappelsiberg! is this tiny community about a 30min drive from Seedorf where Steffy's Uncle owns and operates a small 4 person tram, which is more like a glorified metal basket, up to the sickest touring ever! The tram is used in the winter for backcountry skiing access for the public and the Swiss Alpine club also own a chalet a short skin from the top, in the summer it is used to bring up supplies for the farmers that graze cattle and make cheese in the high country. The best skiing I have ever done for $7 a day Yeah Switzerland. Steffy's family showed us around the day after a 30cm snow. It was a beautiful blue bird powder day that we started off with sumitting a peak called the Rossstock. Standing on top of this it appeared to just role off on all sides but in reality there were thousand foot cliffs all around except for the strip we came up. The skiing was the best powder we have skied the entire trip. It was so good that we borrowed a car the next day and went back to ski a different area up top and check out the super cool cloud inverstion that was down in the valley. What a great view from on top! If you can find list place then you can ski it!

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me?! Guess I'm headed to Swizzy this winter... Nice job!
